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5 Tips for Keeping Your Resolution All Year Long

How to Keep your resolution
Guest Post By: Allyssa Munro

In just a couple of days, the majority of the Western world will be bopping around in a drunken stupor, bingeing on luscious entrées or forcefully trying to keep their eyes open, anxiously awaiting the official sign of the New Year.

There’s a steady free spirit that fills us all as we watch the crystal ball descend. While the fireworks and cheering roar around us, we can’t help but want something fresh and new for our lives.

Many of us spend the proceeding weeks and even months thinking about this moment, the day when we can officially make an attempt to change our lives for the better. Most of us have already asked our coworkers and friends about their resolutions, while others spent time convincing themselves they were going to be among the few to achieve their declarations. After all, this time is different, right? (Can you hear my sarcastic tone?)

We spend so much time believing the prospect of a new beginning is all the reason we need to binge during the holiday season. Rarely do we ask ourselves, “What is it about 12:00 am on January 1st that makes us really different than the days, weeks and months prior?”

If you think about it, there is no palpable reason for holding off what we so long to achieve. If you are serious about making fitness, finance or any other life change, it would be wise to start planning now and continuing that change even after the New Year hits.

Developing habits that will last far after January 1st will allow you to get familiar with a new routine and prepare for the challenges to come.

Here are my top five tips for keeping your resolution all year long:

  1. WRITE IT DOWN. Envision what you want to accomplish and clearly write down your goal(s). Writing down how you plan to attain your goal(s) makes it more concrete and real. It will help keep you focused and provide constant reminders of what you are striving for.
  1. THINK: SIMPLE. Too many times do we try to accomplish a monstrous goal all at once, then get frustrated if we fall short. Try breaking it down into smaller parts and celebrate the tiny victories. For example, if you would like to eventually run a marathon, start by first developing a walking or jogging schedule.
  1. SET A DATE. Have a date for when you would like to accomplish your goal. With no date or time frame in mind there’s really no sense of urgency.
  1. BUDDY SYSTEM. Grab an accountability partner. Share your vision with a trusted family member, friend or coworker. Sure, it might be uncomfortable but let’s face it; who cares about being comfortable when you have a goal to accomplish! So, get out there and spread your goal. The support will be worthwhile.
  1. DON’T GIVE UP.  Here’s one of the best analogies that was given to me, “If you knock over a bottle of wine do you quickly stand it up or do just stare and watch as it spills onto the floor?” Odds are you will probably pick it up as quickly as possible. You should treat your resolutions the same way. Do not let one hiccup or mistake derail your entire plan. There will be days when you do not want to do it and there will be days when you would like to give up. It is important that during these times you work hard to stay focused on the bigger picture. Perseverance, one of the most important skills you can have, is key to achieving your goals. Push yourself to overcome these obstacles. Trust me, in the long run you will be glad that you did!

What tips do you have for starting and keeping your New Year’s resolution early? Leave your suggestions and comments below!

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