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Midyear Check In: Progress Report on My 2019 Goals

Statment skirt in the sunIf you haven’t noticed, it’s June! I know—it surprised me too. Now that we are halfway through the year, I thought it was the perfect time to check in. So far, 2019 has been rather hectic with our relocating back to NYC, but it’s also been pretty amazing! Like many of you, I made New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year, so I wanted to update you on my progress toward meeting them. If you haven’t made much movement toward knocking out your 2019 goals, don’t worry! It’s not too late to accomplish them before the end of the year.

My 2019 Goals

  1. Be a More Positive Person90%

I have made it a priority to be more positive, and I am trying my best to succeed. Admittedly, I’ve had a few setbacks, but I have taken them in stride. Maybe it’s being back in NYC, or staying productive with the blog and auditions, but nonetheless, I feel like positivity has been leading the way.

  1. Create a Workout Plan and Actually Stick to It100%

I owe all of this success to my new apartment building. It has an amazing gym and yoga/barre studio that I’ve been using on a regular basis. I wake up in the morning to the sun bursting through my windows, have my coffee, and then I am ready to go work out. Since our move to a new neighborhood, Brent and I have been doing a lot of urban exploring. Taking walks has become part of our regular routine and helped us stay active.

  1. Read a Book (or Four)25%

I am not doing so well in this area. I still have not finished A New Earth or 10% Happier, and I’m disappointed I have fallen short. I started strong with reading at night before bed and then sadly went back to my old Netflix habits. I need to refocus my efforts in this area and try to commit to the schedule I mapped out at the beginning of the year.

  1. Pay Down Debt20%

When I planned out this goal, I forgot how expensive moving actually is. That expense did put a damper on our debt repayment plan. However, I have held up one side of the plan: to make more money. I can proudly say that my income has increased significantly—which is definite progress—so I refuse to get discouraged. As long as everything continues on this pattern, I should be paying down debt in no time.

  1. Get My Delta Platinum Status Back0%

I’m tempted to scratch this goal from the list altogether. I canceled two of my planned trips this year and therefore haven’t made much progress toward my goal. I’m not going to give up hope, though, because I never know when travel opportunities will come my way.

  1. Take Advantage of My New (Old) City65%

The weather is warm, and events are going on all around us. We have been slowly but surely taking time to venture out and explore our new neighborhood, which helps to put us right on track with this goal. We have been walking often and making lists of places to check out on the weekends. I am confident this goal will be at 100% in no time.

  1. Build Up My Retirement Plan0%

Just as I have been slow with the debt payoff, our retirement planning has also suffered. Despite my lack of progress here, I am taking the right financial steps to ensure we will start making contributions soon.

  1. Start My Nonprofit20%

This is a goal I set to accomplish during the second half of the year. So even though I wasn’t planning to start until Q2 or Q3, I’ve been networking and making connections to help get it off the ground without a hitch.

  1. Be Neater and More Organized at Home75%

I took this goal very seriously and have put a lot of effort into accomplishing it. We have been on a mission to get our new house in order and keep it organized. We have rented a storage unit in our building to keep all of our unwanted clutter and purchased various storage solutions for our home, and we are committed to keeping our space zen. I will be sharing our apartment tour on the blog very soon—so stay tuned, and you can be the judge for yourself!

2019 Goals with statement skirt and sunglasses 2019 goals update outfit

I am feeling good about the progress I’ve made so far, yet I know that I have a lot of work to do if I want to accomplish all of my goals before the year’s end. Have you checked in with yourself lately to see if you are on track to meet your goals for 2019? Check your vision board or goal list and do whatever it takes to motivate yourself and knock them out!

Stay Fabulous,


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