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5 Easy Ways To Fit Exercising Into A Busy Work Week

We are all busy but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t find time to workout. The reality is, most adults need 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week for optimal health. Whether it is going for a brisk walk on your lunch break or doing heavy cleaning around your home, moderate intensity activity every day can provide immense benefits. Here are a few of my favorite ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule:

Start your day early

It is more likely that you will get your work out done before the busy day begins. Whether you plan to work out for 20 minutes or an hour in the morning, make sure to prep the night before to make the transition as seamless as possible. Have your workout clothes and water ready for when you wake up.

Take Advantage of your Lunch Break

Do you have a generous amount of time you can take for lunch? Go for a brisk walk around your building or master the stairs. If you find yourself eating at your desk, try seated leg raises.

Take the Longer Route

Throughout your day, try to walk the extra distance. Park farther from your work building or the store. Take the longer route to the bathroom or cafeteria. These are all ways to get in extra steps during the day. Every little bit counts!

Watch TV Actively

Hop on the treadmill or bike while you enjoy watching your favorite television show or news program. Don’t have exercise equipment? Walk or run in place at home while watching TV. You will be surprised what you can accomplish while watching your shows.

Make it a date

Instead of going out for drinks or dinner at the same restaurant or bar, try incorporating fitness into your social life. Take a spin class or try indoor rock climbing. Pick an activity that might be new and fun for both of you. It will be a guaranteed good time.

How do you squeeze fitness into your daily routine? Leave your comments and suggestions below!

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  1. Love it!!!! Love it!!!! Love it!!!

  2. LOVE this, great reminder to stay active!

  3. I keep saying I need to get consistent with this because it’s important. I prefer to get up early and start the day with exercise and prayer. It just makes the day start off right for me. But the key is me being consistent. Great post!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed this post! I have been slacking myself as life gets in the way of our ability to stay consistent. I hope this was motivation to continue on the path of fitness success!

  4. This is something I tell myself I need to do… Just about every day of the week. Thank you for the inspiration today and I believe I will be going over a new routine for tomorrow.

    1. I know we all get really busy… I just put a 7am class in my calendar for tomorrow. Starting the week off right is key!

  5. Awesome points such a beauty full post, thanks for sharing this post.

  6. Great ful! article.. its very informative for me thanks for sharing

  7. Great article thank you for sharing this

  8. There are lots of exercise tips maybe it’s really working full tips thank you.