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Star Power – My Journey From NYC to LA

Star Power | BusyWIfeBusyLife.comIt’s official; this New Yorker is now living in Los Angeles. However, I still don’t consider myself an “Angelino,” mostly because it sounds like a title given one of Angelina Jolie’s adopted children. Making the move from NYC to LA has been a wild journey, but I feel like the excitement has just begun. They say everyone in Los Angeles has a dream and it’s no doubt that most come for the fame and fortune. I didn’t decide to move from NYC to LA necessarily to become famous, but if the stars aline, hey – you never know.

NYC vs. LA

Spending the rest of my life in NYC was never the plan. I heart the city so much but after many years among the skyscrapers and power walkers, it was time for a change.

The vibe in Los Angeles is quite different from that of New York. The casual and carefree attitude shines through in almost every aspect of life. I am used to the hustle and bustle of everyday NYC, so the move has been an adjustment. Though it’s tough to relate 11 years in New York to my short time here in LA, here is my quick comparison so far.

Weather – LA

It has been less than 2 months since making the move, and it is hard not to love it so far. Deciding not to spend another winter in NYC was one of the best choices I’ve made all year. While most were spending their days in snow storms and winter conditions, I was in shorts enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

Food – NYC

I will say that LA has fresher produce than NYC but dining out is far better in New York. The service is on a whole nother level, and the overall food quality has me missing some of my favorite NYC spots as well.

Transportation – NYC

There seems to be traffic all the time in LA, but Uber is a lot cheaper here which does give Los Angeles a few extra points. NYC has LA beat with public transportation for sure, plus you can walk places without being looked at weirdly by your friends or everyone driving past you. Overall the sprawling layout of Los Angeles can cause a major headache if you are trying to get around town.

Rent – LA

Jimmy McMillan might have been on to something when he said, the rent is too damn high. You can rent an apartment for significantly less in LA than you can in any part of New York. Not to mention, the place will be more spacious and come with free natural light!

Fashion – NYC

Fashionably speaking, the art of wearing all black 24/7 is definitely not a thing here. The chic elegance of New York fashion is something I truly miss. I have been slowly adapting to LA’s “cool” style and have tucked away my blazers and tailored pants to embrace full-time denim and boho by day and rocker by night wardrobe. This look featured below is quintessential Los Angeles, star and all.

Star Power| BusyWifeBusyLife.comMackage White Handbag Star Power | BusyWIfeBusyLife.com Mackage White Handbag Star Power | BusyWIfeBusyLife.com Mackage White Handbag Star Power | BusyWIfeBusyLife.comStar Power | BusyWIfeBusyLife.com

Coast to coast Los Angeles and New York both have their high and low points. I think a part of me will always consider myself a New Yorker, but for now, I will call LA home.

Follow my move from NYC to LA on Instagram @sheritajanielle

Stay Fabulous, 


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    1. So glad I get your stamp of approval on my new LA style. I checked out your site as well. You’ve got a new follower!